Social Media Predictions for the Not-Too-Distant Future 2020
Alex Khan
Social media has changed the lives of billions of people around the globe. Whether they use it for their business or personal life, it has helped made things a lot better. And somehow, it’s still improving every single day. If you think about it, the updates we see are very minimal and are hardly felt. … Read more
Why Preparing Takeaways When Live Streaming Is Crucial
Alex Khan
As you all know, one of the most popular and efficient ways to broadcast valuable content on the internet is by live streaming. Periscope made it famous, Facebook has it, now even YouTube is on it, and other huge social media platform is creating their version of it. This course of actions just proves how … Read more
Three Ultimate Actions in Social Media That Prompt Purchases
Alex Khan
When you think about it simply, there are only two things needed to run a business. First of all, you need to have a product or service. And second, you just have to market it. The latter is the one that makes a lot of entrepreneurs lose their minds. Why? That’s because marketing is where … Read more
How Facebook Can Boost Your Christmas Sales 2017
Alex Khan
There’s no denying that one of the busiest times each year is Christmas. People are always on the go, spending time with family and friends, and purchasing gifts for their loved ones. And for businesses, it’s double time, too, as sales are obviously skyrocketing. However, not every commercial enterprise may experience that due to inadequate … Read more
Three Fundamental Snapchat Practices for Your Business
Alex Khan
Most new entrepreneurs would often ask the question, “why Snapchat?” It’s a platform that doesn’t store your content. Basically, snaps would just last about a few seconds to a minute and then disappear after 24 hours. Well, that’s the beauty of it. Since your content is perishable, its value will significantly increase. More people would … Read more
Everything You Need to Know About Facebook Cover Video
Alex Khan
If you were to do research on a particular brand, would you choose to learn about it through infographics or videos? I know I’d choose the latter. Video creation today is no longer as technical as it were. As long as you have a camera or a smartphone, there’s no reason for you not to … Read more
Three Ways to Reward Your Social Media Followers
Alex Khan
Social media followers are nearly synonymous to customers. The only thing separating them is that the latter has already purchased. And, with more effort, you can convert them. But it’s not always about convincing people to buy your product or service. It’s also about giving back – whether they’re a customer or not. After all, your … Read more
Instagram Stories 101 – Learning the Basics
Alex Khan
Many of you might still be confused how Instagram Stories work, especially those who are new to Instagram. To give you a quick introduction, Instagram is a photo sharing app. The very essence of this app is to share carefully selected photos you want your friends, or even strangers, to see. These photos that you’ve … Read more
Why Your Business Should Be on YouTube
Alex Khan
Most of you might think that YouTube is merely a platform to share and watch videos. However, it’s actually a huge social media channel as well. Many users are socializing every day in the comments section, and each one of them can be a potential customer to your business. But I think that’s not convincing … Read more
Three of the Best Ways to Repurpose Your Social Media Video Content
Alex Khan
Today, thanks to technology, businesses can record and do live social media video content with ease. However, most of these videos – viral or not – have a very short lifespan. Your videos may do great today, but in a week, it’s unremembered. So, is that something to fret about? Well, it depends. If you … Read more

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