Facebook Messenger Kids – What Is There to Know
Alex Khan
A large percentage of Facebook accounts are owned by kids who haven’t reached the age requirement for this social network. Most of the time, they use the site without parental consent and supervision. This event has resulted in 12-year-old kids being taken advantage of by identity thieves and other social media crooks. It has also … Read more
New Feature on Instagram Allows You to Save the Expired Stories You Like
Alex Khan
Instagram Stories is one of the popular and successful features the app introduced in 2016. About a year after its release, Instagram upgrades the feature by adding a tool to it – archiving Stories. The system will automatically save this ephemeral content after it has expired to a part of your profile. [tweetthis twitter_handles=”@1alexkhan”]You can … Read more
Five Ways to Use Twitter for a Better Customer Service
Alex Khan
Twitter makes customer connection easier due to quick engagement. With its increasing number of successful client connectivity, it is considered as a great customer service tool by many companies. But this social media platform isn’t optimized for business purposes. To help you maximize Twitter’s benefits to improve customer service, here are five tips for you. … Read more
Making Money on Social Media Without a Thousand Followers
Alex Khan
Social media can reach millions of people in just a few seconds after you share content. Such ability has made social media an important marketing channel in the business world. With its large influence, leading and emerging brands are willing to pay a relevant amount to digital influencers. You can make a healthy living out … Read more
Six Social Media Marketing Myths You Need to Know
Alex Khan
Social media marketing has been proven to be an effective strategy to increase brand value over the years. Companies that are active on social networks have seen a significant boost in their sales rate through social media. Furthermore, corporations that advertise their products on their business profile on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter gain a higher … Read more
A Few Ways to Make Money on Instagram – 2017
Alex Khan
Whether you have 1,000 or 10,000 followers on Instagram, you can earn hundreds of dollars by simply sharing good content. As long as you have a high influence on your follower base, you’re good to go. However, monetizing your account isn’t as easy as posting photos or growing your followers. Although those are the initial … Read more
Facebook Bot – Its Big Trend and Benefits
Alex Khan
Many entrepreneurs use social media as a primary means to expand their businesses. But here’s the thing, the internet is overwhelmed with users. This sheer population hinders a lot of brands to communicate with their customers properly without affecting others. To help you understand what I mean, businesses online receive a lot of messages; some … Read more
Instagram Stories Can Now Surprisingly Be Published from Its Website
Alex Khan
Instagram, like other major social media platforms, finds ways to upgrade itself to improve user experience. You can clearly see this with the number of new features added on Instagram within this year alone. There’s the superzoom, stop-motion camera, multi-photo posts, and many other tools. This time, Instagram is making one feature in the mobile … Read more
Twitter’s Upcoming Feature, Tweetstorm – Know All About It
Alex Khan
On September this year, the Tweetstorm feature was discovered in Twitter app’s code. Although its release was initially discarded, Android Police spotted a new version of the tool. Twitter has confirmed its existence, and it is currently being tested. Since the tool is still in its trial phase, it is only available to the users … Read more
Twitter Verified Status – Take Care of It or You’ll Lose It
Alex Khan
Having that verified button beside your username is one of the amazing things about being a Twitter user. Aside from being trusted by your followers, you are validated by the platform’s system. But many users have been taking this status for granted and most often abuse it. Embracing stricter verification policies is Twitter’s solution. [tweetthis … Read more

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