Three Things That Possibly Make Twitter as Your Main Marketing Platform
Alex Khan
According to Business Insider, Twitter is a part of the top 11 most popular social media platforms in 2017. There are currently 328 million users that have registered this year, and the number is still growing. And more than half of these users usually tweet about the things they do every day. But Twitter isn’t … Read more
Two Possibly New Features on Facebook – “Red Envelope” and “Breaking News” Tag
Alex Khan
Facebook is one of those platforms that never seem to disappoint us. And it has been able to keep its reputation due to its improvements. Its developers are always creative, and they somehow never run out of ideas to make things better. They’ve added a lot of useful tools on the social media platform lately. … Read more
Everything You Need to Know When Adding Guests to Instagram Live Stream Videos
Alex Khan
Instagram launched the live video streaming feature last year. After its release, Instagram’s team of developers has already started to look for ways to make the tool better. And a year from its launching, it now has an upgraded version. And that version now allows you to add guests to your live stream. [tweetthis twitter_handles=”@1alexkhan”]Two … Read more
Workplace Chat – Is It Going to Replace Slack Soon?
Alex Khan
Slack was launched with the main purpose of making the tasks of professional organizations easier. The app is simple and fast which makes it convenient for managers. This app has helped millions of companies facilitate teamwork among the employees. But no matter how helpful it is, competition always enters. Facebook introduced the Workplace Chat and … Read more
Become a Social Media Entrepreneur with These Simple Steps
Alex Khan
Are you an entrepreneur who wishes to expand your business? Are you a new entrepreneur who wants to start in social media? Or are you a social media user who wants to become an entrepreneur? Worry no more for you can become a social media entrepreneur with these three steps. [tweetthis twitter_handles=”@1alexkhan”]Doing business on social … Read more
Social Media erfolgreich nutzen: 3 einfache Schritte für dein Unternehmen
Alex Khan
Viele denken, Social Media ist ein Hexenwerk. Das stimmt aber nicht! Mit diesen 3 einfachen Schritten kannst du Social Media erfolgreich nutzen und effektiv für dein Unternehmen einsetzen. Social Media erfolgreich nutzen – so geht’s! Schritt 1: Kenne deine Marke Du kannst nichts anbieten, mit dem du selbst nicht vertraut bist. Wenn du Social Media … Read more
The New Best Thing – Instagram Superzoom
Alex Khan
Instagram has always been an amazing photo-sharing app. You can advertise your product, increase your exposure, and even share your own work. This app helps you whether you are an entrepreneur, marketer, or somebody who loves taking pictures. But things became even more amazing with the Instagram Superzoom tool. And you’re the receiver of all … Read more
Increase Your Social Media Engagement with Visual Posts
Alex Khan
A post with a relevant image gets more engagement than one without it. This reason is enough for you to incorporate visual content into your social media marketing plan. [tweetthis twitter_handles=”@1alexkhan”]Just how powerful is visual content? Want to improve your engagement? Read here:[/tweetthis] What Makes Visual Content the Best? According to Brain Rules, “Vision trumps … Read more
Six Social Media Predictions for 2018
Alex Khan
It seemed like yesterday when 2017 came. And now, there are only three months left before the year ends. In a few months, we’ll be welcoming another year. As we welcome another year, we also welcome new trends. What is popular today may be considered old-fashioned next year. But don’t worry because below is a … Read more
Why Facebook and Instagram Is a Digital Marketer’s Favorite Pair
Alex Khan
Facebook and Instagram were rivals. But that was before Facebook bought Instagram for $1 billion in 2012. Right now, a lot of Facebook features have been added on Instagram and vice versa. There’s the Creative Hub platform that helps ad creators manage their workflow better. Both platforms have additional tools. So digital marketers give more … Read more

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