How to add pre-recorded videos and photos to your Snapchat Story
Alex Khan
PLEASE NOTE: Adding pre-recorded videos and photos requires jailbreaking your iphone which might lead to loosing your device´s warranty and your data. Please use it at your own risk. In many of my previous posts, I have been talking about the excellent features of Snapchat that makes us love it so much. However, we have … Read more
The Best Ways to Acquire More Snapchat Followers
Alex Khan
I assume all of you guys know Snapchat. And, I also assume that you are now wondering… “How do I get more Snapchat followers?” This is a fairly common question from anyone who’s trying to expand and grow their audience – desperately. Without question, Snapchat is unique in terms of its concept – nothing quite … Read more
Everything you need to know about Snapchat Chat 2.0
Alex Khan
Since its release in 2011, Snapchat has been growing tremendously, with over 100 million active users daily. What started out as a regular photo sharing app has now taken the world by storm! With more users adding to its growing population every day, Snapchat has introduced Chat 2.0 with new features allowing users to have … Read more
How to Record on Snapchat Without Holding The Button in 2020?
Alex Khan
Now I am going to show you how to make a video on Snapchat without holding the button. You will see it is much more convenient to shoot a video handsfree. Here is a little video that explains it or read the step-by-step manual below if you need more information. How to take a video … Read more
Wie kann man 2020 ein Video in Snapchat aufnehmen, ohne den Button gedrückt zu halten?
Alex Khan
Jetzt zeige ich dir, wie du ein Video auf Snapchat erstellst, ohne den Button gedrückt halten zu müssen. Du wirst sehen, dass es ist viel bequemer ist, ein Video freihändig aufzunehmen. Hier ist ein kleines Video, das erklärt, wie es geht. Alternativ lies einfach die folgende Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung, wenn du weitere Informationen benötigst. Wie nehme ich … Read more
Snapchat Geofilter? How to Use it and Create your Own!
Alex Khan
Snapchat has more than 100 million daily active users and two weeks ago they have introduced Snapchat Geofilter. This is truly an amazing option to share your geographical location without explicitly saying where you are. You can create your filter based on your location in addition to already existing Snapchat filters. How cool is that? … Read more
5 Ways to Cross-Promote your Social Media Profiles
Alex Khan
There are many different platforms we are using every day from Facebook and Instagram to Snapchat, Periscope, and many more. It ‘s hard to fill all of them with great content, but building up followers is almost impossible if you don´t find ways to cross-promote your platforms. Here are 5 quick ideas to cross-promote: 1. … Read more
How do I build up a bilingual Snapchat account?
Alex Khan
As you might know, I have been using Snapchat for a couple of months now. I love it as it is an excellent tool to share my daily stories with the world. So far, I have always been talking in English, but two incidents this week have changed my way of communicating with my followers in the … Read more
Anchor App! Ready to join a global conversation?
Alex Khan
Have you also thought of creating a podcast but don’t have the time? The brand-new social network anchor app will be good news for you. It is a true public radio open for any voice to join the conversation. Take it as a kind of micro-podcasting or Twitter for audio. Most of all, it is … Read more
What is Scoperchat and what can I do with it?
Alex Khan
Many of you asked me what is Scoperchat? Take it as a kind of live monitoring tool for your periscope broadcasts. You can see every live activity of your viewers. Sounds cool? It is. For the first time, I can see the profile photos of my viewers on a big screen while they are engaging … Read more

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