Weniger Likes auf Instagram? Finde jetzt heraus, ob du geshadow banned bist!
Alex Khan
Ist es dir auch schon einmal passiert, dass du plötzlich weniger Likes auf Instagram bekommst, obwohl du alles genauso gemacht hast wie immer? Dann bist du möglicherweise einem “shadow ban” zum Opfer gefallen. Was ist Shadow Banning auf Instagram? Shadow Banning ist ein Begriff, der verwendet wird, wenn eine Social Media Plattform deine Beiträge plötzlich … Read more
Facebook Live Split Screen – Here is how you do it right
Alex Khan
Have you heard of facebook live split screen? Just recently, Facebook has provided us with one of the most outstanding, new features when going live – split screen on facebook. Gone are the days where you only have to be the only one on your stream, because today, you can invite someone right away. And if … Read more
Facebook Live Split Screen – So machst du es richtig
Alex Khan
Hast du auch schon vom Facebook Live Split Screen gehört? Erst kürzlich hat Facebook eine der besten neuen Funktionen veröffentlicht, wenn wir live gehen – den Split-Screen auf Facebook. Vorbei sind die Zeiten, in denen du allein in deinem Stream sein musst, denn ab jetzt kannst du jemanden einladen. Wenn du der Meinung bist, dass … Read more
Why You Can’t Ignore Weekends for Your Social Media Strategy
Alex Khan
I get it; some of you hate working on weekends. And you might even say that the business you’re into is strictly formal. However, let me stop you right there and say, social media isn’t about what kind of business or niche you have – it’s about making a connection. Because of that, weekends are … Read more
3 Content Myths on Facebook – What You Need to Know
Alex Khan
Today, with so many updates and changes on Facebook, it can stir doubts and create ludicrous myths about how content works. It’s not uncommon for some of my followers to ask questions and share their proposition on how things work on this platform, especially regarding content creation, sharing, and overall engagement. These repeated utterances that … Read more
Imperative Online Marketing Strategies Your Business Should Be Engaged With
Alex Khan
When it comes to online marketing, there is no denying that without a sound plan or strategy, results are often on the downside. Sure, you can try and promote anything on the web – some may even work well – but without a practiced method of where, when, what, and how to promote, your efforts … Read more
Three Things to Make Sure Before Going Live on Periscope! Do you know them?
Alex Khan
We all know how I made my fair share of getting a lot of exposure in the online world – Periscope. And as time goes by, I’m more than confident that whenever I go live and broadcast a new video, it will always bring me a lot satisfied viewers. How I achieved that is because … Read more
The Yays and Nays of Snapchat for Businesses
Alex Khan
I’m quite confident that most of you are very familiar with this app, Snapchat. But for the sake of the few who don’t, it’s just like any other social media network with the exception of having your content (snaps) expire. So, in a nutshell, everything you share online using this platform disappears, including directly sent … Read more
The Real Reason Why Your Followers Stay With You
Alex Khan
One of the biggest assets you truly have on social media isn’t actually your content, or your conversion rate, or even your profile presentation, but your followers. Yes, your followers are your most prized possessions on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Periscope, or any other platform. That’s why it is more than crucial that you make them … Read more
Social Media in 2017 – What to Expect
Alex Khan
Before anything else, social media has been created with one goal, to connect people. That has been the motto of almost every social media platform in different word structures with the same meaning. With that in mind, you can’t expect much of that foundation to change. But you can expect to see, perhaps, hundreds of … Read more

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