Three Reasons Why Your Social Media Marketing Efforts Aren’t Working

Many marketers have succeeded in fulfilling their tasks through social media. You may know this already, and that’s why you exerted a lot of effort in marketing online. But don’t forget that the success of others doesn’t guarantee your own.

So why is your hard work not paying off? This article will tackle three reasons why your efforts aren’t working. It will help you avoid making the same mistakes again.

Three Reasons Why Your Social Media Marketing Efforts Arent Working Three Reasons Why Your Social Media Marketing Efforts Aren’t Working

[tweetthis twitter_handles=”@1alexkhan”]Are you’re online marketing tactics failing? Getting bad results often? Read here[/tweetthis]

You don’t know your target audience

You’ve shared a lot of good content in your social network. But for whom are those contents? If your answer is everyone, your content went to waste. Here’s a popular quote I’m sure you’ve already heard of, “You can’t please everyone.”

To help you identify your target audience, you can consider the following questions:

  • What product or service are you offering?
  • When you conceptualized the product or service, what were the customers’ age bracket, dominant gender, income level, and location?

You don’t know where to find your audience

After identifying your target audience, you need to find where they are online. Here are some suggestions to help you locate them according to their characteristics:

  • Facebook

Dominant Gender: Female

Age Bracket: 18-29

Income Level: Less than $30K

Location: Urban and rural

  • Instagram

Dominant Gender: Female

Age Bracket: 18-29

Income Level: Less than $30K

Location: Urban

  • Twitter

Dominant Gender: Female

Age Bracket: 18-29

Income Level: $75K+

Location: Urban


  • LinkedIn

Dominant Gender: Male

Age Bracket: 18-29

Income Level: $75K+

Location: Urban

The data was taken from Sprout Social.

You’re posting a good content on the wrong platform

No matter how good your content is, it won’t be helpful if you’re sharing it on the wrong social network. In fact, it can be a disadvantage to you.

So I am suggesting you these types of contents and the appropriate platform to share them:

  • Youtube – This is the best platform for video content. You can incorporate trends to make it relatable.
  • Instagram – If you’ll be posting photos, do it on Instagram. Instagram is an app optimized for pictures.
  • Twitter – If your content will be text only, share it on Twitter. Unlike users of other platforms, Twitter users don’t disregard updates with no images.

Start marketing the right way!

This article listed the basic steps of social media marketing. Although they are basic, they are essential. Do not forget that your efforts didn’t work because you disregarded them.

Since you already know the reasons, why don’t you start working on the corrections? You can use the suggested solutions, or you can create your own.
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