Why Having a Specific Niche Is Important for Social Media Marketing

One of the biggest mistakes out there for any entrepreneur is having an online presence about everything. Tell you what, that’s just going to bring you down. Why? It’s because people search the internet in a very specific manner. They search for proper names, categories, and everything else specific – keywords. But moreover, it’s how search engines – including social media – work.

Why Having a Specific Niche Is Important for Social Media Marketing Why Having a Specific Niche Is Important for Social Media Marketing

[tweetthis twitter_handles=”@1alexkhan”]Why having a wide niche is quite a bad idea for your choice of business. Read here:[/tweetthis]

Why a Wide Niche Online Business Won’t Work

Though as easy and as vast the options are for a broader type of business – one where you can cover all the products on Amazon – it’s just not going to bring you success. A broad business such as merchandising anything you can think of in the real world may be a good click; it won’t work in the online world.

That’s because it will take almost forever just to get things to function or will cost you, perhaps, millions of dollars. I’m assuming that my readers here are usually start-up or just wanting to have a small business that can sustain their family and slowly grow. That’s why I’m encouraging niches.

Websites like Amazon, eBay, and the likes are built from billions of dollars and will likely require the same amount to have one like it. Though you can have one, it will simply go nowhere. That’s because it will take you centuries to build content for all the products you have. And in order for you to get a good SEO working and do social media marketing, it simply has to be focused on specific keywords – one which targets specific sets of people.

To sum it up, you just can’t build a target audience with a wide niche. You can, however, build one – a big one – if you go with a narrower niche.

Social Media Marketing – Choosing a Narrow Niche

If you haven’t got a niche yet and you’re quite struggling in choosing one, especially a more specific niche, here’s how you do it.

If you want to run a niche website/business, it would be best to choose a niche that you love. Choose from one of your hobbies and passion. I know you may have a couple of them, but choose one that you won’t get bored even after a long while.

Next, go directly to your passion’s finished product. If you love playing the guitar, skip being a musician and everything about music. Most people get stuck here as they’ll be thinking that if your niche is about music; you have endless topics to write about – giving you a bigger target audience. However, this is very wrong.

That’s because it will get you stuck and confused. Stick to what makes you a musician. If you’re a drummer, go with drums. And if you’re a guitarist, go with guitars.

After that, choose a certain focus to that. If you talk about guitar, think about the ideas that come to you when you hear the word “guitar.” Of course, there are beginners who want to learn the basics – sell online courses. There are also those who simply want to read reviews about guitars – have a website about reviews on them. Or, you can simply go raw and sell guitars only.

The point is, if you can further crunch it down to a more specific approach, go for it. From there, you can grow wider. Start small and grow big.

Background image created by D3images – Freepik.com

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