Goodbye Katch.me – You Will Be Remembered

Goodbyes are never easy; they come with disappointments, fears, stress, pain, and, sometimes, they leave you with more challenges. However, they can also make us stronger, wiser, and will prepare us for the future. On this post, I’ll be writing about one of the most relied on platforms, Katch.me, which offers unique services to save your live video streams to the cloud — with a goal of keeping it there forever.

As one of their most avid users, I have saved around 250 scopes (streams from Periscope); to be specific, 257 saved live streaming videos. I was confident that they will keep them safe, secure, and comfy, which they did until yesterday. That is what makes writing this piece a sad one, as they have offered such a genuinely fantastic service. No doubt that I am not alone weeping as they made their memorable mark on the internet too late, but left too soon.

What is Katch for Me?

Katch, by definition, is an online cloud service that offers to save your favorite video streams — focused mainly on Periscope. However, for me, it was more than that. Katch for me was really like the verb, catch; it caught my daily video streams — two-hundred-and-fifty-seven videos were perfectly saved without any quality compromised. It was a safe haven for my scopes, and it still bugs me how they have come up with the decision to put an end to it.

I met Tarikh Korula (CEO of Katch.me) for the first time at the very first Periscope Summit in New York. Everything he said about the product was the truth — an amazing one, too. You can read their customers’ comments on their farewell note (which is painful for me to read) that they did a fantastic job at what they do — satisfaction guaranteed.

So, it left many of us with questions and doubts why they had to say goodbye when things were going smoothly. even their excuse that they’ve lost some investors doesn’t quite match giving up quickly, as there are other ways to monetize. The truth is that periscope planned to introduce (Update: They actually introduced it on the last day of Katch) the possibility of saving your video, which is probably the biggest USP of katch.

However, for whatever reason, they still did provide a grand and beautiful ending by using their last resources to help their users move and secure all their videos from the cloud — mine was about 25 gigabytes heavy. It was quite a lift downloading them.


For What It’s Worth, My Best Thanks to the Team

Even with the sudden goodbye, I guess I have to give my gratitude to them to the greatest degree possible. They have always been there for the other users and myself. They listened to every suggestion and implemented them without any fuss. That is what makes them an excellent company — because they’re not deaf. They do what their clients want; they weigh them and provide a solution with the best of their abilities. If only there is a chance that we can change fate, I guess. Keeping them online is a true wish.

To where you guys are now, I hope that you’ll still rock and make great services like Katch.me. Provide the best care for your clients and do the best that you can to make them happy and proud — like me. If there is one more tip that I can give, don’t give up just right away, keep fighting and maybe, just maybe, you’ll grow an empire. Thank you and best wishes to your future ventures in life and keep placing your marks on the internet.




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