How to get a massive free promotion with a single hashtag #wekhan

First of all, I want to thank all of you as I have reached 400,000 followers on my social media channels in the last ten months.  I am SO grateful for all of your love and support. Every day, I can reach out to thousands of people, and I am very happy to attract open-minded and entrepreneurial people like you, who are looking for the best ways to do business and connect. You are an undoubtly a priceless target audience and today, I want to reinvent the way you can find & follow each other.

As you know, I believe that everyone has a story worth sharing, and I want to help you spread this story through social media. This is why I came up with a new hashtag #WeKhan, which will replace my old hashtag #Khanscope. Before I tell you why I changed this hashtag, here is the great success of my previous hashtag over the past months:

(Statistic by FollowtheHashtag.com)

As you can see #KhanScope was used more than 20,000 times and reached an audience of more than 13 million people with more than 775 million impressions. I am sure this makes it one of most powerful Periscope hashtags worldwide, so why did I change it?

I believe that social media is more than Periscope. I believe that #wekhan inspire each other, learn from another and rise together! In short, I believe #wekhan helps to achieve more together! I want to make it as easy as possible for you to can find each other across all platforms. That´s why I introduced WeKhan.comThis is a website where everyone that uses #WeKhan will instantly be listed and gain free promotion. The site is mobile optimized, and you even get listed when you add #WeKhan on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and, of course, Periscope (if you have activated Twitter). Here is a screenshot of how it looks right now:


Since the day before yesterday, I started promoting it to my 400,000 followers on Periscope, Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. This means I will tweet about WeKhan.com daily and during my streams on Periscope, I will use this image:

wekhan1Download and use this image too, as since I am using it at the beginning of my Periscope streams, the shares of my streams were doubling as you give people one more reason to share your stream. Don´t forget to add the #WeKhan to the title of your broadcast, so if your viewers share it on Twitter, they will automatically show up on WeKhan.com and gain an extra chance of being discovered.

So what´s the result of the first 48 hours of our hashtag #wekhan?


1.5 million people in 48 hours!

We reached 1.5 million people and 3.7 million impressions in the first two days! Please imagine for one moment what would happen if you are also using it? We could start something great together, connect to each other on all platforms and expand our network. Like I always repeat in my streams, your network is your net worth, so let´s start growing it today!

I am sure we can make it a better place for all of us, as we all are early adopters striving for success.

Here are some examples of where you can use #WeKhan to get instantly listed on WeKhan.com:

  1. Periscope: You can add it to your title before you start streaming.
  2. Twitter: You can add it to any tweet.
  3. Instagram: You can add this hashtag to any photo.
  4. Facebook: You can use it on any post (photo, video, status updates).

Please note: Make sure also to share WeKhan.com when you visit the page. You will find the button here:


I look forward to seeing you in my next scope. Please also share this blog post, so #WeKhan grow together!

UPDATE April 5, 2016: We have just reached more than 100,000,000 impressions in less than three months. I am grateful for being able to attract a powerful tribe around me!

#WeKhan Hashtag

P.S.: Do you want more tips? Get my  TOP 5 Techniques to boost your Periscope Success.

10 responses to “How to get a massive free promotion with a single hashtag #wekhan”

  1. Thank you Alex for sharing your passion with us on Periscope! Here’s to the success of #KhanScope!

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