Instagram Stories Hot New Tools – Boomerang, Mention, and Links

Instagram has always provided excellence, simplicity, and convenience throughout the years. And, it has yet again proven this social media app is capable of more than just that. With its latest update for Instagram stories, it has again surprised us with amazing new bells and whistles that will surely keep its repute high. Check out its three new tools that will double the fun and experience on Instagram.

Instagram Stories Hot New Tools Boomerang Mention and Links Instagram Stories Hot New Tools – Boomerang, Mention, and Links


One way of turning things more exciting is the app, “Boomerang.” If you want to create a short funny clip you can play both forward and reverse, this app does it perfectly. And, what else can be better than having an integrated version right inside Instagram.

How to use Boomerang inside Instagram is fairly elementary; no need to be a tech genius to have fun. Just like an average day on Instagram, open the stories camera and select “Boomerang” from the format picker under record button. Then, tap record and you will enjoy a freshly tailored short clip of photos.

[tweetthis twitter_handles=”@1alexkhan”]Do you know you can mention people inside Instagram Stories, check it right here![/tweetthis]


There’s nothing sweeter than mentioning special someone you’re with or you’re simply thinking about.  This works the same as mentioning someone while writing a caption or commenting. You just have to do it on your Instagram Stories when you add text to a new story. Just type “@” followed by a username and select the person you want.

Their username will then appear in your story with an underline. And, whenever someone taps it, a pop-up will appear that enables them to visit that profile in an instant. Also, whenever someone mentions you, you’ll receive a notification in Direct.

See More Links

Are you fond of watching someone’s story and simply can’t get enough of it? There’s an ongoing test that allows verified accounts to place their links so you can simply check out more than the story they just published. Though this isn’t yet available for everyone, it gives you an insight of how things may advance. Check your favorite Instagram celebrity and see if they’ve got a “see more” surprise for you.

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