Why Your Business Can’t Afford to Ignore Instagram

On December 2016, Instagram officially announced that in just a span of six months, they’ve grown 100 million monthly active new users. That totals to 600 million monthly active users (500 million from June, what a growth!). The sheer improvement alone is already a sign that should make you consider the platform. But, of course, we all know that numbers aren’t enough. That’s why I’m going to share with you the other things that make Instagram a must for any business, and here they are:

Why Your Business Cant Afford to Ignore Instagram Why Your Business Can't Afford to Ignore Instagram

Instagram Is Fairly Easy for Anyone

Some businesses are often discouraged by other platforms due to the complexity. Moreover, the challenge of managing more than one platform is, of course, not for everyone. However, Instagram is one of the easiest platforms available. It’s as basic as simply sharing an image and that’s basically about it. Though it also has other standard functions such as messaging, its main reason for existence is photo sharing. As long as you can use a mobile device with a camera, you’re good to go.

[tweetthis twitter_handles=”@1alexkhan”]Why every business should have an account on the biggest photo sharing app. [/tweetthis]

Has a Generically High Engagement Rate

Even though it’s all about sharing an image, it’s very surprising that its engagement rate is constantly high as long as you use the appropriate hashtags and your image is of high quality. This is extremely advantageous for startups that are trying to get more exposure online. This gives small businesses an opportunity to get followers without hiring a professional marketing service. From there, it’s all about growth.

It’s Very Easy to Connect and Communicate

On Instagram, you don’t need to be friends just to send a message. And when it comes to other businesses which normally doesn’t use a private account, you can either comment or send a DM (direct message) to them to collaborate. Unlike other platforms that have a lot of requisites just to send a message, Instagram doesn’t — communication on Instagram is pretty obvious and can easily be seen. This makes your message easier to spot and replied upon.

It Can Build Your Brand’s Character

With consistent uploads of photos/videos with captions, you will eventually create a certain persona for your brand. The better you look on Instagram, the more followers you have. And the better your reviews, the easier it is for people to trust you. There is no doubt that having a high trust rate will bring your business closer to success.

It Helps Your Brand or Business Name Become Familiar

Remember, Instagram works by uploading pictures but with it, it also comes with tagging, using signature hashtags, and commenting. Whenever your post becomes viral or trendy, people will use your Instagram name most of the time when they comment to get your attention. And if your hashtag is witty, it’s also going to be used by other users making your brand become more popular – which in turn will bring you more customers.

Business vector created by Dooder – Freepik.com

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