How to Use Instagram Analytics Effectively

A lot of you might run your Instagram account (especially those who’re using it for their business), without even batting an eye on the metrics – which is a bad practice. You need to watch the performance to assess your strengths and weaknesses and do the next best action. You can always do new strategies and next moves that will help you grow, but are you basing them on the facts? Or, are you just eyeballing them, which might end up just gaining half of its full potential if it was only done correctly?  This is why I will provide you the most effective way to use Instagram Analytics.

How to Use Instagram Analytics Effectively How to Use Instagram Analytics Effectively

Connect with Facebook Fanpage

As you all know, Instagram is a part of this giant social media platform, Facebook. And, they provide a lot of special features once they get connected – such as enabling the Insights for Instagram. The Insights will show you your top posts, followers, and promotions (if you have any). But, what you want is to see your followers menu, as it will provide critical information, such as their gender, age, location, and time when they are most active. Study these charts and apply them to your next move. If you have more female viewers over male, you can opt for more feminine products or vice versa. The point is, you can see a better view of who is following you and what can you do to make things better for them and still benefit you.

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This is more likely a general tracking tool for everything – or every social media platform. It’s a great way to know how your followers are doing and how active they are on your profile. It’s easy and simple to use, and it takes little time to get used to. Also, it’s not only a tool but an agency. So, if you have a lot of followers and you’d like to monetize, they can help you.


This is another great analytic tool that’s designed for Instagram. Not only will you get the basics, such as seeing the followers chart and when they’re most active, but you can also see progression with accurate time details when you received the most likes and when you gained the most followers. You also can compare your stats weekly, monthly, and even yearly, which really helps you see whether you’re improving.


I’ve already discussed this one on how to identify the right users to collaborate with on Instagram. Basically, this is a tool that not only shows the basic metrics, but also compares it to other users or profiles.This enables to gauge and properly assess how you are doing with your business partners or with your competitors. Remember, knowing that you have an edge against your competitors is vital. This helps you see their weak spots and what’s the best strategy to surpass them if ever you’re quite under.


Last tip or tool to share is the Crowd Fire app, our last Instagram analytic tool. This app allows you to schedule your apps and give you some metrics on the post. But, don’t get me wrong, they just help you and not automatically post it on your profile. The thing with Instagram is they do not want any 3rd party tools to automate things. That’s why the tool will just send you a notification and if you click on the notification on your mobile, they will prepare everything for you and you just need to confirm.

Check out my video version of this article:


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