Uncommon Facebook Search Tactics Every Entrepreneur Should Know

Facebook is the biggest player in town; no other platform could match its sheer amount of users. But aside from that, it also has great features such as easy connection, chat, posts, reactions, and so much more – making it an easy favorite. However, one that’s really useful for entrepreneurs is its search engine. The only problem is that only a few know how to make the most out of it.

Uncommon Facebook Search Tactics Every Entrepreneur Should Know Uncommon Facebook Search Tactics Every Entrepreneur Should Know

[tweetthis twitter_handles=”@1alexkhan”]Did you know that you can make use of Facebook’s search for your business? Read here:[/tweetthis]

Two Facebook Search Tactics That Can Help Improve Your Business

Hashtag Research

Although #hashtags aren’t quite a thing on Facebook, and it’s only popular on Instagram and Twitter, it is still being used by many. And most of the ones that incorporate hashtags on their post are usually very active users and brands.

You can actually place the exact hashtag in the search box on Facebook and get accurate results about them. Try searching the best working hashtags you have that has worked well on the other platforms – see if it’s popular and widely used. Also, assess if these users that used the hashtags you’ve searched are potential customers. If so, add it to your posts just to give your posts some engagement boost.

Use “People Who Liked” Phrase

When it comes to getting more customers, it’s best to target only those who are interested in your product or service in the first place. That’s to save time, money, and effort in converting them. But, of course, try to invite everyone if you have spare time.

A fast and effective way to see those potential customers is to use the “people who liked” phrase. Just place that phrase in the search box and add a keyword – the more specific, the better it is. Basically, the keyword should be something that your potential customers would want, or it could also be a competitor to see their followers. It will give you the individuals that liked a certain page, posts, group, or anything with that keyword. The more specific you are at using it, the more accurate the results. You can even try it right now by inputting “people who liked Alex Khan,” you’ll be amazed by how accurate it is. It’s a great and innovative Facebook search tactic.

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