Increase Your Social Media Engagement with Visual Posts

A post with a relevant image gets more engagement than one without it. This reason is enough for you to incorporate visual content into your social media marketing plan.

Increase Your Social Media Engagement with Visual Posts Increase Your Social Media Engagement with Visual Posts

[tweetthis twitter_handles=”@1alexkhan”]Just how powerful is visual content? Want to improve your engagement? Read here:[/tweetthis]

What Makes Visual Content the Best?

According to Brain Rules, “Vision trumps all other sense.” When a person hears a piece of information, the person only remembers 10% of it three days later. Pairing the information with a picture will turn 10% into 65%. Pictures are also efficient for the human brain. Unlike texts, the brain does not have to identify certain features in the letters to be able to read them.

Why You Should Start Incorporating Visuals

Aside from visual content being the best, here are two reasons why you should start adding images to your posts.

You don’t need to hire a graphic designer.

You neither have to add one more employee nor learn graphic design. There are websites that sell commercial rights to their photos and websites that offer them for free.

Images are impactful.

We all know that a picture speaks a thousand words. The formula is: relevant image + caption + link. The caption must contain a link that will redirect digital users to the website. And the image also needs to be relevant. If the caption is all about eating, then the image shouldn’t be about exercising, right?

What Are the Essential Types of Visual Content?

To start incorporating visuals, you can do it with the essential types. The big three for your content plan are engaging content, educational content, and promotional content.

Engaging Content

Out of the three, engaging content ranks first. This type requires interaction between the audience and the marketer. It’s as if there is a magnet that attracts the audience to take action.

This type of content includes polls, competitions, and games. For example, you can ask your audience to vote for something with like, comment, and share in a certain post. You can even add your website’s link containing the poll results.

Informational Content

This type of content uses images that are heavy with information. You are hitting two birds with one stone. There’s an image that engages your audiences in the post, and it contains information that educates them.

Promotional Content

You can promote your products faster with real photos of them in social media. In addition, you can add stickers to make the photo more eye-catching. Just make sure that the stickers won’t overwhelm the product.


It’s easy, right? Visual posts might just be the tool you have been looking for.



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