Five Questions to Help You Assess and Improve Your Social Media Bios

One of the first things that users instantly want to know once they visit a profile on any social media platform is their bio. A social media bio is where you can freely tell them anything you want to about you. However, it doesn’t mean that whatever you write will be good enough for them to stay and follow you. Here is a guide, in question form, to help you assess and improve you social media bios on whatever platform you’re in – think of it as a general audit to make it better.

Five Questions to Help You Assess and Improve Your Social Media Bios Five Questions to Help You Assess and Improve Your Social Media Bios

[tweetthis twitter_handles=”@1alexkhan”]Don’t have a killer social media bio that will surely bring in more followers? Read here:[/tweetthis]

Five Questions to Make Your Social Media Bios Better

Do You Use the Same Name (Business Name) on Every Social Media Platform Account?

It may seem really crude, but a lot of people neglect uniformity. You may be using “Peter Paul Smith” on Facebook, but on Instagram or Twitter, you’re using “Peter Smith” only.

How does that affect you?

It affects you because users who follow you on Facebook that like to follow you on other platforms will get confused as they might have the wrong person as the name is different. What’s even worse is if they think that one of your legit accounts is a fake. So, don’t give them the chance to have second thoughts just because the “NAME” is different.

Does Your Bio Have Relevant Keywords in Them?

Second thing to look for is the marketing aspect for search engines to spot you quickly and so that users can identify what you’re all about in just a few words. However, take note that you don’t want to do overstuffing or obviously mounting them like “XYZ Company + City Name.” You want it to sound organic and readable to humans and not just search engines. So, why not “XYZ Company located in City Name.”

Do You Use a Friendly, Uniformed Profile Picture and Cover Image?

Thirdly, it’s all about presentation. Remember, first impressions last for quite a long while. And in social media, they usually get their first impression on your profile picture or cover photo. That is why, as much as possible, you need to give them the best you can. Preferably, choose a photo that’s friendly and uniform them on all your social media accounts so that they can identify you faster.

Did You Fill in All the Blanks?

Another thing that you should definitely do when you have the time is to put some info up on every blank (only the applicable ones to you). Don’t skip a blank when it is, in fact, useful for your audience who possibly may be your customer.

Did You Cross-Promote?

Last but never the least is if you cross-promote. This method is, perhaps, one of the easiest yet most effective ways to expose your followers to your other accounts and make them grow those accounts, too. So, never forget to put a link here and there in your bio that will lead them to all your other social media accounts.

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