Six Social Media Predictions for 2018

It seemed like yesterday when 2017 came. And now, there are only three months left before the year ends. In a few months, we’ll be welcoming another year. As we welcome another year, we also welcome new trends.

What is popular today may be considered old-fashioned next year. But don’t worry because below is a list of possible trends that will take 2018 by storm.

Social Media Predictions for 2018 Six Social Media Predictions for 2018

[tweetthis twitter_handles=”@1alexkhan”]Here are things to be ready for 2018 when it comes to social. Read here:[/tweetthis]

Facebook transcends to a mobile-only app

Nowadays, people are accessing Facebook through smartphones. You’re also one of them, right? I am, too. With this information, there’s a chance that Facebook will slowly ditch their website and just focus on the app. They may redesign Facebook as mobile-only in the following years, who knows.

Popularity rise of video content

Today, we see more companies promoting their products through videos. That’s because video content is shareable and gets more exposure than static images. Remember that a single share can end up to a potential buyer. So why not promote your brand through video content?

Stronger policies of social sites

Social sites can give information, but sometimes they’re false. Are you familiar with fake news spreading around Facebook? A lot of people have been a victim of such announcements. To avoid similar cases, Facebook is strengthening their governance policies. Expect stricter rules and regulations in 2018.

More vocal brand advocates

In this age, anyone can voice their opinions through self-publishing platforms. And people are more likely to buy from companies that have good reviews. Managers might hire advocates to try their products and give their opinions. It’s a big benefit if you start writing your reviews now to expand your social media influence.

Bigger role of social influencers

More people will join social media channels. And it’s sure they will want their accounts to grow just like you. In cases like this, the best individuals you can turn to are social media influencers. Influencers are effective in increasing product sales and website visits. It’s a good choice if you start training to become one and work for a well-paying company or your own business.

Are you ready to take over 2018?

With these predictions, you can advance your social media game. You can use them to help your account grow faster. You can even use them to earn money. It’s always best to be early.
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