Easy Tips and Tricks to Make Your Facebook Page Standout

If you’re an online entrepreneur with a Facebook page to represent your business, I’m more than confident that you know the importance of exposure. The more exposed you are, the more likely you’ll have customers. That is why it is important that your page should standout against others to dominate all the audience in the particular niche you’re in. And to do that, you just need to follow these really simple, easy tips and tricks:

Easy Tips and Tricks to Make Your Facebook Page Standout Easy Tips and Tricks to Make Your Facebook Page Standout

5 Tips and Tricks to Make Your Facebook Page Standout

[tweetthis twitter_handles=”@1alexkhan”]Effective ways on truly making your business page on Facebook standout[/tweetthis]

Customize Your Facebook URL – Vanity Link

A vanity URL is simply a link that is customized. Facebook instantly assigns all newly created Facebook pages with URLs made of random characters. Basically, here’s an example, “https://www.facebook.com/bsdahsdgawuhn,” which is not something that’s easily remembered. However, “https://www.facebook.com/businessname” is. So, the first thing you need to do is to modify your vanity link. Make sure it’s easy on the eyes and short, too long URLs even if they’re easy to understand and read can still be quite annoying.

Use Your Brand/Business Logo as Your Profile Picture

Another thing that can make the audience instantly have this feeling of comfort and trust on a profile is if they consider the page as a “legit” business. Remember, the first thing they instantly look for is the profile picture. Make sure that you use a convincing enough logo or anything that can truly represent your business. If you are branding yourself, like me, use a friendly face picture – don’t forget to smile.

Update Your Cover Image Regularly

Another trick that most businesses aren’t aware of is that cover photo changes actually updates their followers. In that sense, it is a great way to remind your followers or those people who’ve liked your page about your business. Moreover, it’s a great means to deliver a message to your customers about seasonal changes, important updates, and promos. Not only does it make your Facebook page more alive, but it can also help your customers get updated.

Always Have a Pinned Post

Never ignore the power of promoting a post that can attract new customers. Try using a post that already has a lot of engagement rate as a start if you don’t have anything imperative to pin at the moment. It can bring in more followers organically and can even make the post better. It can also be used for recent updates on your business that you think all your customers should definitely know about.

Fill All the Blanks in Your Profile Field

Last but not least is to make the most out of the profile fields provided by Facebook. It’s a means for your customers and potential ones to know more about the business and what you have to offer. This is one part that a lot of businesses totally ignore. Take note that most users are very careful when dealing with business and they want something that can prove its legitimacy. These profile fields in the about section is a tool for you to convince them. So, make good use of it.

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