3 Content Myths on Facebook – What You Need to Know

Today, with so many updates and changes on Facebook, it can stir doubts and create ludicrous myths about how content works. It’s not uncommon for some of my followers to ask questions and share their proposition on how things work on this platform, especially regarding content creation, sharing, and overall engagement.

3 Content Myths on Facebook – What You Need to Know 3 Content Myths on Facebook – What You Need to Know

These repeated utterances that suggest Facebook is no longer as effective as it used to be are simply myths. There are three that I will debunk for you, which I think you’re acquainted with by now.

Reach Is Extremely Low

Many people now say there is no point creating a Facebook fan page for your business, since your posts aren’t going anywhere. It’s no longer the same as before, where you can get organic engagement. You have to use their ads and spend a lot of money if you want any progress.

First, let me say that your low engagement on Facebook isn’t the platform’s fault or its intention. It’s simply because the competition is now sky high! Four or five years ago, the number of business existing on Facebook was just a handful. While today, every niche has about a thousand or more – that’s a very big market.

[tweetthis twitter_handles=”@1alexkhan”]Did you know there are still a few myths about how Facebook works? Let’s debunk them.[/tweetthis]

Nonetheless, it is still today’s biggest platform to deliver traffic and results due to its massive number of users. It’s isn’t easy, but it is doable if you want to refine and enhance your edge. In any market, being better than others is always the key to being number one and getting all the goodies. So, if you want your posts to overcome the competition, improve its overall quality and stop thinking about Facebook not getting any reach.

There’s a Perfect Time to Post

Again, with this frequently fictional quote, there is no perfect time to post. There is, however, the best time to post or a few suggested times to post for optimum engagement. The problem with new businesses is they think there some magic time on Facebook that will bring in millions; sad to say, there is none.

If you follow what’s written on the net, backed with case studies, there is a tendency to fail. Remember, each of your audiences has a different timeline. Even you have a different timeline, with your competitors. The thing is… you can never be sure what timeline is being used – simply impossible to know. And, you can’t be sure when your customers or fans may check Facebook, leaving you more questions than answers.

This is why the best thing you can do is to mix it up and experiment. Sure, you may follow those guides, but if it isn’t going well, why force it? The best and the only way to know the best time is to test it yourself.

Fans Will Leave You Soon

Last is all about retention. They simply say that retention on Facebook is almost impossible. Let’s all face it; retention in any business is hard but never impossible. Even if you are inactive for a month, you won’t lose every follower/customer you’ve earned.

People will have reasons to leave and reasons for them to stay. If you want to have your fans stay for good, remove all the reasons for them to leave – such as not caring, being inactive, and showing a negative persona.

If you do your thing, provide quality and value, I believe you will simply retain your followers and even add a few new ones. This applies to all social media platforms, not just on Facebook.

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