5 Super Effective Ways to Make Sure You’re a Likable Person on Instagram

If you’ve been reading my blog posts often, you should know by now that Instagram is limited. It has many perks, but nonetheless, it’s still mainly about sharing pictures and using hashtags. Though, it still is a powerful social media platform that’s amazing for your business. This is why you need to make sure you have a likable persona on Instagram. So, how do you build such a reputation that’s easy for people to follow? Here are 5 super effective ways to do that.

likable-persona in Instagram

Follow Back

For starters, when you’re building your following, it is wise to follow back whenever someone follows you. This is because there’s a big chance that they’ll soon unfollow you when they don’t get followed back. Make sure your numbers as of the moment aren’t declining. And, people will highly appreciate that. People seeing new businesses with a more balanced following are easy on the eyes – hence they’ll find it easy to tap that “follow” button.

[tweetthis]5 Ways To Make Sure You’re a Likable Person on Instagram[/tweetthis]

Like Pictures of Your Followers – This Is Instagram

The more pictures you like from your followers, the better they will notice you. This will also make you look like a person instead of just a brand. People prefer to meet people, not the organization. So, be active and start liking their photos, you’re not losing anything by doing that, after all. Actually, you will get more followers instead.

Comment Back

I’ve seen a lot of small-time businesses with profiles as dead as a rock. Whenever you post something, and someone actually likes it and gives you a few heartwarming compliments, never forget to comment back. Say “thanks or thank you” as much as possible. Make them feel that you’re active and you have some gratitude. Remember, without these followers, your profile is pointless.

Make Use of Hashtags that Evokes Emotion

Did you know that in social media – or anywhere else – emotion is a big thing with decision making. Even our judgment is under the influence of emotion. I know you can’t always post a picture that evokes emotion; you’re going to sway from your niche if you do that. However, you can always make use of Hashtags. Try using hashtags that can connect with people and show them you care, even #love gives them that idea already.

Comment Nice Things on Random Posts

Well, not exactly too random; make it as close to your niche as much as possible. Commenting on strangers will show two things. One, you’re a nice guy and certainly worth looking at. And second, you’re active and probably an excellent profile to follow as they’re also gaining something from you. This will not consume a lot of time from you -writing 15 comments a day should bring you some new followers and build your reputation.

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