Facebook Live Big Mistakes You Should Definitely Avoid

Without a doubt, even in the past year, live video streaming has been one of the most popular trends both used by the average Joes and enthusiastic entrepreneurs. To some, this might just mean a more creative way to connect with friends and family all at once. But to others with a business mindset, it’s a gateway to improving the brand name, exposure, and reputation. Of course, indirectly, this will also improve sales – one of the biggest keys for growth. However, there are some practices that are actually providing negative effects on your business. Here are some tips that you should know when doing Facebook Live (our main focus).

Facebook Live Big Mistakes You Should Definitely Avoid Facebook Live Big Mistakes You Should Definitely Avoid

[tweetthis twitter_handles=”@1alexkhan”]Live streaming mistakes on Facebook you should definitely avoid. Read here:[/tweetthis]

Three Facebook Live Mistakes That Will Bring Your Business Down

Zero Preparation

To begin with, believe it or not, there are loads of startups trying Facebook live and has no relevant or specific point to talk about. Why? That’s because they didn’t prepare at all. Though preparation is quite a broad thing to talk about, let me break it down into:

  • Topic – before anything else, think about a topic to discuss. Never go too broad or too specific. Keep it in balance where you won’t end up too quickly or will take an hour just to discuss it.
  • Structure – plan what to talk first about the topic. Start with a problem and end with a solution. Never go in circles as this will bore your audience.
  • Goal – always have something to accomplish in your live video. If you want to learn something from your audience, make sure you do – by any means (be creative).

Once you’ve these three prepared, everything should run its course. Never go live without thinking this through, or you’ll end with nothing.

Poor Internet Connection/Wi-Fi Signal

Another downfall for small businesses is taking things too casually. Remember, what you’re putting on the line here is your brand’s reputation. If you do not take this seriously, they’ll see that, and they might assume that so is your product. Having internet connection problems during a live stream is normal for friends, but what you have here are not friends but potential customers. Don’t leave a bad impression or cause them to stop viewing simply because of mediocre excuses.

Unprofessional Background

When it comes to business, no matter what niche – even if it’s for parties and drinks – it should not mean that you’re going to do Facebook live streaming inside the club. What’s the point when no one can see you clearly, no one can hear what you’re talking about, and everything just doesn’t add up?

Always select a room or a place where you are free from noise. And always make sure that you have a clean and decent background that will not distract your viewers. A small distraction can cause them to watch but not listen attentively. You, the speaker, are the only thing that matters. Don’t make them look at your pet cat while you’re talking about your product or service.

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