Eight Social Media Worries That Most of Us Experience

We use social media to entertain ourselves. But we can’t deny the fact that they sometimes stress us out. So what are the common worries we usually encounter?

Social Media Worries That Most of Us Eight Social Media Worries That Most of Us Experience

[tweetthis twitter_handles=”@1alexkhan”]A few reasons why some people are afraid of social media. Read here:[/tweetthis]

Identity Theft

Every time we use Facebook or Twitter, we worry if a link has a virus or not (most of these malware actually takes valuable information from us). We also don’t know if we have given enough information for identity thieves to play as ourselves.


According to research, negative things happening in the online world can affect reality. Emotions on social network can be contagious. When we see gloomy posts, we become dejected. Virtual posts translate into real feelings.

Lifestyle Standard

We see people flaunting how incredible their lives are on Facebook and Instagram. And it has become a requirement for us to have lives similar to theirs. When people post a picture of them in a car, we also think there is a need to post a picture of ourselves riding one. Their state of life portrayed in social media becomes the standard of our own.

Number of Likes

Whenever we post something on the internet, we expect to get likes. But when it doesn’t get the number we want, we become discouraged. We then ask ourselves if we did something wrong. We have limited ourselves to the number of likes we get.


Social media is filled with people we don’t know. We just know people by their names – we don’t even know if they’re using their real names. Early studies have stated that adding strangers as friends on Facebook and other similar platforms significantly increase the risk of identity theft.

Online Relationships

Although adding people we don’t know is quite risky, it’ll still create new friendships. But we can’t be sure if the people we’re chatting with are not bots. In addition, we worry if we’ll feel comfortable with them in the real world.

Keeping Pace

We don’t want to be left behind by others. So we constantly open our social media accounts. Even if we’re sick, we still check our profiles just to see if we missed something.

Doubting Others

Doubting is tiring. We see our partner having a friendly conversation with another person, and we suspect them. A heart reaction on their photo makes us think there’s something fishy going on. So we worry if we still have a place in their heart.

These nine social media worries affect different aspects of our life. It is up to us to let them continue as disadvantages or turn them into benefits.

Man vector created by Alekksall – Freepik.com

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