7 Big Reasons Why You’re No Longer Gaining Followers on Instagram

Many people who love photography also love Instagram. It’s amazing how you can see others’ photos from the comfort of your bed. You can also share your own with one tap. But there’s always a downside to everything. In this case, it is not increasing your followers.

Gaining new followers is every Instagram user’s worry. To help you, I have listed reasons why your followers are not increasing.

[tweetthis twitter_handles=”@1alexkhan”]Are the number of followers on your Instagram profile decreasing? Read here:[/tweetthis]

Big Reasons Why You're No Longer Gaining Followers on Instagram

Feed Drought

If you haven’t posted for a week, other users will see you as inactive. Aside from not gaining new followers, you might also lose old ones. Make sure to update your feed at least four times a week.

Feed Spam

It’s good to update your Instagram feed. But don’t post photos every five minutes. Let your recent post stay for, at least, an hour before you post another one.

Too Many Ads

If you have a large following, you must have tried advertising products, right? It helps you earn passive income. But if five consecutive updates are advertisements, people will lose interest. You’re also at risk of losing your followers. So keep ads at a minimum.

Lack of Consistency

Have one theme for your account and don’t stray away from it. Posting animal pictures in an account about food will discourage potential followers. No matter how cute puppies are, they don’t match your username and bio about delicious food.

Follow-for-follow Strategy

Have you tried the follow-for-follow tactic? Based on my experience, people who engage in it will only follow you for a few days. Most of them will unfollow you after a week. Avoid this strategy because you won’t gain followers interested enough on your content to stay.

Use of  ‘Black Hat’ Methods

Black Hat methods refer to applications that violate Instagram’s policy. And using these methods, you’ll only gain bots. Yes, they can increase your followers’ list, but they’re inauthentic. Furthermore, they can’t have a genuine interest in your content.

Inappropriate Content

Posting photos that encourage starving is a big no. Don’t post pictures that have a negative impact. No one wants to have more negativity in their lives. Share good vibes to the world. Instead of hate-inducing updates, promote happiness.

If even one of these reasons describes your Instagram profile, work on it. Some changes are necessary to help you grow your account. After doing relevant modifications, remind yourself of these things regularly. You might forget them in the long run and start doing them again.

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